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Many successful companies are redefining their approach to revenue generation by productizing their services. This strategic shift towards a more structured and predictable business model has gained significant traction, especially when it comes to direct mail. In this article, we dive into the nuances of transforming direct mail into a productized service, highlighting the benefits and practicality of this approach for print businesses. By doing this you’ll have something very unique and worthwhile to heavily market as a differentiated print company.


Benefits of Productizing a Service

Productizing a service means transforming it from a custom from scratch effort every time into a standardized, repeatable package that can be sold repeatedly.

This shift to productization brings numerous advantages.


Predictable Revenue

By offering a standardized package, businesses can forecast revenue more accurately, as the service becomes a repeatable and scalable product.

Streamlined Operations

Standardization simplifies operations, reducing the time and resources spent on customizing services for individual clients.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Clear, standardized offerings make it easier for customers to understand what they are getting, improving satisfaction and reducing decision fatigue.

Market Differentiation

Productized services can help businesses stand out in a crowded market by offering unique, clearly defined packages.

Ease of Marketing and Sales

With a clear, consistent offering, marketing and sales efforts become more straightforward and efficient.


Why Productizing Direct Mail Makes Sense

Direct mail, a staple service in the print industry, presents an ideal candidate for productization. Successful print companies recognize the inherent qualities of direct mail that lend themselves well to a standardized offering. For one, direct mail typically involves higher volumes, making it conducive to a bundled, product-like approach. Additionally you can offer multi-drop direct mail campaigns, which are executed in waves, providing clients with a consistent, reliable service. Direct mail campaigns can be expanded or upgraded using add-ons such as variable data, QR codes, or personalized URLs that lead to landing pages for example. These features not only add value to the service but also allow for customization within a standardized framework.

Furthermore, direct mail can be seamlessly integrated with fulfillment services, creating a comprehensive package that covers everything from printing to distribution. This integration simplifies the client’s experience, as they can access a full suite of services from a single provider. Moreover, by establishing repeatable templates and processes, print companies can create operational scale, allowing their teams to work more efficiently and reduce turnaround times. This scalability is not only beneficial for the business in terms of cost and time efficiency but also enhances the client’s experience by providing timely and consistent results.


Productizing direct mail is a strategic move that aligns with the evolving needs of both print companies and their clients. By adopting a productized approach, businesses can enjoy predictable revenue streams, streamlined operations, and a stronger market position, all while delivering a high-quality, consistent service to their clients. The journey towards productizing direct mail can indeed pave the way for a more structured, efficient, and profitable future in the print industry.