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If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’ve found it hard to sell wall graphics and wall decals. Wall graphics may not be a “hot” product that customers are consistently looking to have printed but we understand the value quality printed wall graphics and decals have for businesses.

Print companies come to us asking how they can sell more of specific products and our answer is usually the same; promote those products. Here in this article we’re going to share tangible things you can do now,  to start selling more wall graphics. 


Run Ads Promoting Wall Graphics & Decals

It’s possible that your current and potential customers don’t even know that you can print wall graphics for their businesses. One of the best ways to quickly get in front of those companies you want to do business with is by running ads promoting your offerings. 

Running ads on LinkedIn is an excellent place to start because you are able to target specific individuals that are on LinkedIn by creating an audience using the following attributes: 

  • Job Title
  • Company Industry
  • Company Name 
  • Age
  • Company Size
  • Location 


You’re able to design an audience using the above criteria that mirrors the exact types of businesses you want to work with. 

Google Ads Remarketing Display ads and PPC (Pay Per Click) ads, are a fairly simple way to promote wall graphics. 

Using Google Remarketing Display Ads, you can design a banner ad that targets individuals that have previously visited your website. Maybe a business owner came to your print website to check out your capabilities but didn’t move forward on getting a quote or contacting you, but you retarget them while their on other websites with an ad promoting that your company also prints wall graphics and decals, they may just get in touch with you now that they’ve seen your ad and an additional offering you have. 

PPC Ads have proven to be successful for print companies because you’re able to create ads and bid on the exact search terms (keywords) customers are searching for when looking for a print company. To sell more wall graphics, you can create a Wall Graphics Campaign, ads that promote your capabilities and value props for wall graphics printing and then you bid on wall graphics, wall mural, wall decal keywords and when someone searches for those things on Google and your bid is high enough, your ads will show. 


Optimize Your Website for Wall Graphics & Decals and Write Content Promoting It

This may seem like a no brainer, but the real secret to selling more wall graphics is to make sure your website is optimized for those products and will show up when buyers search for it and that you’re consistently promoting that you offer wall graphics printing. 


Create and/or Optimize Your Wall Graphics Page

This goes without saying, but if your print website doesn’t currently have a page for wall graphics and decals, create one. This makes it clear to buyers that you offer wall graphics printing and it also allows you to optimize the page for search engines so you show up in search results when potential customers are looking for wall graphics. 

When it comes to optimizing your wall graphics webpage, the keywords you include on the page are the key to getting it to rank. In the screenshot below, we show some of the wall graphics and decals terms you should include on your page. The higher the number (average monthly searches) the higher the chance your page will show up since it’s a highly searched term 

how to sell more wall graphics and wall decals


Write Blog Posts on Wall Graphics

Aside from optimizing your wall graphics page, writing blog posts on wall graphics is another great way to drive traffic to your website. Your blog posts on wall graphics should be specific and answer specific questions or solve problems potential buyers are experiencing when it comes to wall graphics. Some example blog topics include: 

  • How much do wall graphics & decals cost? 
  • What are the different types of wall graphics?
  • Can wall graphics be applied to any surface?


You’ll want to make sure in each of your blog posts that you link back to your Wall Graphics webpage so search engines link all the pages and posts together to provide you with the most visibility possible.


Post About Your Wall Graphics Capabilities on Social Media

Similar to blog posts, addressing any pain points customers may be experiencing with wall graphics and how your print company can help is all you need to do. You’re likely not going to drive a ton of new wall graphics sales just from social media posts but print buyers expect to see print companies on social media and your presence alone can make an impact. 

Be sure to link to your website in every social post, specifically to your wall graphics post, to drive them to the website. 


Send Email Blasts Promoting Wall Graphics to Your Email List 

Email marketing comes in a lot of different forms but the simplest way you can promote wall graphics via email is sending an email out to your customers and prospects list letting them know you print wall graphics and include examples or information on previous wall graphic work you’ve done. Bonus points here if you offer a sale or promotion on wall graphics exclusive to your list. 

Taking any of these approaches will definitely increase your visibility for wall graphics printing and over time, you’re guaranteed to sell more wall graphics.