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When it comes to SEO, Search Engine Optimization, the number of optimizations you can do to ensure your print website ranks in the search engines is endless. We know that as a print company owner, sales manager or even graphic designer that’s been tasked with marketing the company, you don’t have time to dedicate to learning and executing on these optimizations. But there are a few critical website optimizations you should make that will have the biggest impact and that’s what we are sharing with you here. 


Make Sure Your Print Website is Indexed

This is probably one of the most important things you can do for your print site to ensure it is optimized for search. After a website is “crawled” by the search engines, your pages get indexed which is when your pages are added to the search engines index of web pages and content so they can rank in search results when people search for the products and services you offer and promote on your site. 

There is a really high probability that your website is already indexed. To find out if it is indexed, you can check by going to Google.com then typing in “site:” then your website domain like we’re showing below. 

critical seo for print websitesIf you run this test and your website does not show up, there are a couple of things you can do. 

1. If your website is built on WordPress, under the Reading Settings, make sure the box is NOT checked that says “Discourage search engines from indexing this site”

critical seo for print sites

2. If that box is unchecked, you can use Google Search Console and submit your sitemap which is essentially telling Google to crawl and index the specific pages on your site. To learn how to do this, check out this Google Help article


It may take some time for Google to fully index your website so be patient but you can do the site search step at any time to check to see if it shows up in the search results. 


Optimize Your Title Tags

Another important optimization you can do to your print site that will have a big impact is making sure all of your title tags are optimized for search. A title tag is an HTML code tag that allows you to give each page a Title that tells Google exactly what the page is about. 

All of your title tags should be between 50 – 60 characters and include keywords/search terms that are relevant to what the page is about and that is heavily searched by users on Google. Title tags can be added to your site either by installing the Yoast SEO Plugin and adding the Title tags or by being manually added to the code which is more complicated.


Hopefully this can help guide you towards making the most critical optimizations to your print website!