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Frequently Asked Questions

To answer the majority of the most common questions we get asked about the service and product we put them all together here with answers to make it quick and easy to find what you’re looking for.

Also, Don’t Forget to Check Out the Individual Service & Product Pages to Get Detailed Information and to Sign Up!

Platinum Growth Plan FAQ’s

What is Included in the Platinum Growth Plan?
There is a provided service part of the plan and a self service part of the plan.

For the service side we publish social media content to your pages, we run lead generation campaigns, and nurture those leads through email automation nurture campaigns.

You also Get Access to the Self Service Platform. For the self service side you get access to a platform that contains…

  • 200+ Digital Marketing Courses
  • 5,000+ Print Product Images
  • 2,000+ Social Media Posts
  • 120+ SEO Outlines for Pages
  • 350+ Blog Post Outlines
  • 300+ Fully Written Emails
  • 120+ PPC Campaigns

Do You Publish Social Media Content for My Company?
Yes! For Platinum Members we publish social media content for you 3 days of the week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, every week.
What Social Media Platforms Do You Publish To?
For Platinum Members we publish to LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).
What If I Don't Have One of Those Social Media Platforms for My Company?
That is not a problem at all! We only need one to do our work. Ideally you have either Facebook or LinkedIn, but any will do. If you want the other social platforms then we encourage you to set those up. If you need us to do that we can set them up for an additional charge.
Can I Customize My Social Media Calendar?
No, the calendar of content we publish goes out as is but is customized with your website URL so it always directs prospects and customers back to you. You can however access the social media content on the platform and share additional content that is not provided in our calendar.

We publish what we call “Safe Content” which are posts that focus on typical print products and services such as brochure printing, prepress graphic design, banner printing, etc.

To customize every calendar we would need to increase our labor costs by 5X to 8X just for social and our goal is to keep costs low and affordable while still generating quality results for your print company.

Do You Run Lead Generation Campaigns?
Yes. We run these campaigns for your company, but we do these on our end to ensure we generate high quality leads for your business.
Is There an Extra Cost for You to Run These Campaigns?
No! There are no added costs here at all. Everything is included with your Platinum Membership. We are able to keep costs low by owning the entire process of strategy, creative and execution on our end.
How Do You Get Leads?
We run campaigns that use a proprietary audience model which is powered by layering print buying intent, remarketing data, permission based data, IP address, and an AI engine that will capture the contact information of prospects that are directed to your website. We capture first name, last name, email address, physical mailing address and phone number where available. This information is sent directly to your sales team as soon as the lead is collected.
Do You Send Out Email Marketing Blasts?
Yes. Kind Of! We actually send out emails within a 3 month email nurture which is only sent to leads we generate for you. So while we don’t do random marketing email blasts, we do send email out to prospects on your behalf. The emails we send use your email address, company info and direct prospects who click on the CTA’s in the email back to your website.

Additionally, as a Platinum and Growth member, you have access to hundreds of fully written emails and email outlines categorized by print product or service which can be used by you on your own at any time and sent out through the email platform of your choice.

Does Pryntbase Perform SEO Work?
No. But as a Platinum and Growth member, you do have access to hundreds of SEO courses, optimized page outlines and keyword research all categorized by print product and service so you can easily do this work on your own. The reason we don’t is that it’s cost prohibitive and we’d need to increase our service cost by 6X to 10X to cover the labor on that.

All Access Digital Self Service FAQ’s

What is Included in the All Access Digital Self Service Plan?
For the self service side you get access to a platform that contains…

  • 200+ Digital Marketing Courses
  • 5,000+ Print Product Images
  • 2,000+ Social Media Posts
  • 120+ SEO Outlines for Pages
  • 350+ Blog Post Outlines
  • 300+ Fully Written Emails
  • 120+ PPC Campaigns


Plus every month we add new content to the platform so it is always growing.

Do I Own the Assets Once I Am a Customer?
No. But as long as you are a customer you have the rights to use the marketing assets and templates for your print business.
Can I Customize the Marketing Assets?
Yes! You are free to update, change or modify any of the assets in our library after you pull them down for use on your own.
If I Am No Longer a Customer Can I Keep Using the Assets Such as Images or Posts?
Yes (and No). Anything that you created, shared, or published is fine to live on. But once you are no longer a customer you will no longer have access to the marketing portal or the assets so there won’t be anything for you to use after that point.

Print Images Plan FAQ’s

What is Included in the Images Only Plan?
With the Images Plan you’ll get platform access to…

  • Access to Over 5,000 Print Images
  • All Images Categorized by Product & Subproduct in 40 Categories
  • New Images are Added Each Month


What are the Image Rights or License Agreement?
You are free to use the images for promoting your print business. There are no restrictions on where they are used, which means they can be used on social media, your website, on ads, on printed collateral, etc.

All images on the platform have been taken by and are solely owned by Pryntbase, but as a customer you reserve the right to use these images. Once you are no longer a customer you are expected to not use any of our images for future marketing efforts or promotions. The images previously used on social media, in email and that are currently in use on your website are fine to be left as is, but no new uses should be put in place.

We Think That Answers Everything!

If you have additional questions contact us directly, but if you came from our product pages before you got here we’ve likely answered most of your questions, so if you’re ready to get more print leads & sales then go back and sign up! It’s Free to start.

If you came to this page before reading the service & product pages then definitely header over and check those out by clicking the button below.